I just wanted to type a quick comment to thank you for some of the splendid items you are showing on this site.
Dear Colleagues,
Our Language Resource Center has:
1) a YouTube playlist with new videos addressing our current switch to online language teaching and learning
2) a YouTube channel for additional instructional resources for online language teaching and learning
3) Tips for online language teaching and learning with Zoom video conferencing
and you can
4) Subscribe to the Columbia Distance Teaching Mailing List to receive updates about new videos and resources as they come online
Cohn, J. & Seltzer, B. (2020). Teaching effectively during times of disruption.
Darby, Flower. (2019). How to be a better online teacher. Chronicle of Higher Education. https://www.chronicle.com/interactives/advice-online-teaching
Gannon, K. (2019). 4 lessons from moving a face-to-face course online. Chronicle of Higher Education. https://www.chronicle.com/article/4-Lessons-From-Moving-a/245926
Gannon, K. (2020). How to make your online pivot less brutal. Chronicle of Higher Education. March 12, 2020. https://www.chronicle.com/article/How-to-Make-Your-Online-Pivot/248239
MLA now has a forum up too. https://teachingresources.hcommons.org/
The IAALT webinar Tuesday was somewhat helpful. https://fltmag.com/pandemic-prepping-in-the-language-class/
They also suggested using the term "remote teaching" or "teaching continuity" to differentiate from the kinds of careful, long-term planned work that people do when they design online courses in more ideal situations.
I've been having lots of conversations with FL faculty around the country. LPDs are being asked to move entire programs online in a few days or weeks. So, I offer this excellent article from the Chronicle about how to start planning. It is particularly helpful if you are feeling overwhelmed and don't have much experience with online teaching. And, and added bonus, it contains helpful links.
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