Annual conference of the Modern Language Association, Philadelphia. The AAUSC session is Friday, 6 January:
Session 212. Social Pedagogies in the L2 Classroom
8:30–9:45 a.m., 307, Philadelphia Marriott
Presiding: Colleen M. Ryan, Indiana U, Bloomington
1. "Brecht's Die Maßnahme (The Measures Taken) in the Elementary German Classroom," Kaleigh Bangor, Vanderbilt U.
2. "Mobile Students, Mobile Minds: Beyond Study Abroad or Immersion toward Understanding," Monica F. Jacobe, College of New Jersey
3. "Travel Literature," Kristen M. Turpin, U Pennsylvania
4. "Education as Community Building: App Design in the L2 Classroom," Sébastien Dubreil, Carnegie Mellon U