Many language teachers have questioned the need for authentic resources for the Novice-Intermediate level, arguing that most materials are too advanced to be comprehensible and therefore would only demotivate student learners. This session strives to not only explain the importance of using authentic resources for improving learner's intercultural competence, but also to demonstrate how some types of authentic resources such as Twitter provide (through thoughtful scaffolding) a treasure trove of cultural information in a more accessible language and engaging medium. By working across high school and college curricula, the presenters hope to show that the arduous burden of scaffolding new materials can be lessened by collaboration with other educators in the field. Presenters will discuss the use of reflective journaling and its effectiveness in preparing students for more in-depth discussions, as well as the pros and cons of using social media to engage learners beyond the classroom.
Brenna R. Byrd, U Kentucky
Bess Dawson, U Kentucky
Lucas Gravitt, Scott Co HS, KY
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