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AAUSC SPOTLIGHT: Using Technology with the Can-Do Statements for Intercultural Communication

  • 22 Nov 2019
  • 1:30 PM - 1:50 PM
  • 158A

The NCSSFL-ACTFL Can-Do Statements for Intercultural Communication (IC) support language learners' development of intercultural communicative competence during and outside of class. Technology allows language educators to design assignments that provide learners with opportunities to investigate and reflect upon the relationships between products and practices in their own and other cultures in order to understand perspectives. This presentation provides examples of four assignments using authentic resources in Spanish about two different themes (food and shopping) that are aligned with the Investigate benchmark and performance indicators for novice- and intermediate-levels of proficiency (to identify and compare products and practices) in the Can-Do Statements for IC using two freely-available tools: Padlet and ThingLink. These sample assignments could be adapted to other languages, to different levels of proficiency, and also could be created with other commonly-used technologies.

Lee B. Abraham, Columbia University

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