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Why join the AAUSC?

Our organization encourages the continued professional growth of its members on many fronts:

Research: For thirty years, AAUSC published a  yearly volume of articles on topics pertinent to TA supervision is published by AAUSC. In 2020, AAUSC launched an online journal, Second Language Research and Practice (SLRP). The SLRP website provides access to the entire 30-year history of the annual volumes.

Networking: Each year we hold a business meeting and a paper session at the annual ACTFL meeting. We also have allied status with the MLA and hold one AAUSC session at that meeting each year. In addition, we often host sessions at national and regional conferences (AAAL, CSC, NEC, etc.) and meetings of the CIC institutions.

VoiceThe AAUSC acts as a voice for supervisors and LPDs at both a state and national level.

Support: AAUSC offers a range of professional development grants and achievement awards to members.

Who can join?

Membership in the AAUSC is open to anyone who is interested in strengthening foreign and second language instruction--especially, but not exclusively, those involved with multi-section programs. The membership includes teachers, supervisors, coordinators, program directors, faculty, and administrators in colleges and universities that employ teaching assistants, and many members are faculty and administrators at undergraduate institutions.

NOTE: If you have been an AAUSC member in the past, you are probably still in the database. DO NOT use this page to renew your membership. Check here for renewal information.

AAUSC provides a voluntary sliding scale for membership dues. "Professional" members may choose the "over 75K", "50-75K" or "under 50K" categories, based on their annual salary. Students and retired LPDs pay a lower rate.

The benefits of membership are exactly the same for all categories, regardless of the dues paid.

NOTE: AAUSC dues are for the calendar year. For example, if you pay on any date in 2014, you are an active member for 2014, and your membership will come due on 31 December 2014. You would receive the 2014 volume for that year's dues payment.

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© 2019 AAUSC

AAUSC is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization.

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