Due to COVID-19, the Symposium on Language Pedagogy in Higher Education will take place online (via Zoom) and will be free for everyone.
It will still take place on October 2 & 3, 2020, and our invited speakers have all kindly agreed to present virtually: * Dr. Bill VanPatten will give a plenary address on "Barriers to Innovation in Language Program Direction" * Dr. Claudia Fernández will facilitate a workshop on "Re-designing the Basic Language Curriculum for the 21st Century" * Dr. Cori Crane will do a workshop on "Working Towards Perspective Transformation: Fostering Critical Reflection in the Language Classroom" The symposium will also feature a special workshop (also online!) for language program directors and coordinators on "Conflict Resolution: A Guide to Crucial Conversations."
For more information about the symposium, please visit: solphe2020.wixsite.com/uiuc
Registration opens in August. For now, I am reaching out to encourage you to submit a proposal. We have extended the deadline to submit an abstract until June 15. We welcome submissions from language program directors, graduate students, and faculty of all ranks and languages, for 20-minute presentations. Proposals may be either practice-oriented or research-oriented, as long as they have practical implications that may be relevant to different language programs in post-secondary settings. For the submission requirements or to submit an abstract, please go to:
Call for submissions: Second Language Research & Practice, Volume 2
Second Language Research & Practice is now accepting submissions! To be considered for publication in Volume 2 (Fall 2021), research papers and reports must be received by January 15, 2021. Learn more at http://www.slrpjournal.org.
AAUSC will hold a session at the 2020 MLA Conference with the following presentations:
1. Past, Present, and Future Challenges in Educating the Future Foreign Language Professoriat, Heather Willis Allen (U of Wisconsin, Madison) [#11432]
2. Redefining Speakership: The Impact of Postmodern Sociolinguistics on Second-Language Teaching and Learning, Carl Blyth (U of Texas, Austin) [#11434]
3. Examining L2 Learning and Teaching Issues in Hybrid, Online, and Open Environments, Joshua Thoms (Utah State U) [#11435]
Kate Paesani (U of Minnesota, Twin Cities) Johanna Watzinger-Tharp (U of Utah)
For more information on the conference, visit http://www.mla.org.
We did it! Our fundraiser for start-up costs for the new AAUSC online journal, Second Language Research and Practice, brought in the needed resources in record time! Thanks to all who contributed. Stay tuned for news of the new publication!
In fall 2020, AAUSC will celebrate 30 years of publishing high-quality scholarship relevant to your daily work as language program directors and coordinators. To honor this milestone, we will publish the 30th anniversary issue in AAUSC’s new journal, Second Language Research and Practice. This online journal will expand the reach of our work and transition AAUSC into the cutting-edge world of open-access publishing.
Be part of this celebration by supporting the start-up costs associated with the new journal. The journal co-editors have already committed $200 of the $1500 needed. If another 40 members pledge just $30, we will reach our goal in no time!
Your tax-deductible gift to AAUSC will ensure that our scholarship reaches a broader readership, which will increase our publication’s impact on the field. We hope to reach our goal of $1500 by July 1, 2019, so please make your gift before you leave town for the summer!
Gifts of any size are welcome and can be made directly through the AAUSC website.
Celebrate 30 years of high-quality research on topics relevant to your daily work!
Your gift to support AAUSC’s new online, open-access journal will increase the impact and visibility of our scholarship.
Help us reach our goal of $1500 by July 1, 2019. Donate today!
It's time to choose new leadership! The 2019 AAUSC Election is open for voting. Please cast your online vote for Vice-President/President-elect, Secretary/Treasurer, and five Language Section Conveners):
Candidate bios and statements on aausc.org
Voting closes on 1 May 2019 at 11:59 p.m. Pacific Daylight Time.
It's time to choose new leadership! The 2018 AAUSC Election is open for voting. Please cast your online vote for two offices: Arabic and French Section Conveners.
Online ballot
Voting closes on 24 October 2018 at 11:59 p.m. Pacific Daylight Time.
AAUSC @ ACTFL 2018 New Orleans
Travel/Professional Development Grant: Call for Submissions
The goals of the American Association of University Supervisors and Coordinators (AAUSC) are to:
In keeping with this mission, the AAUSC offers a limited number of travel/professional development grants to members who wish to attend the annual ACTFL convention each November. The grant covers up to $500 and can be used to pay the conference fee to attend ACTFL, and travel or lodging expenses.
Although any current AAUSC member may apply for a grant, priority will be given to members who:
Grant recipients are required to attend all AAUSC-sponsored sessions at the ACTFL convention and to post a summary of their experiences on the AAUSC website (aausc.org) and Facebook page (http://www.facebook.com/aausc.lpd).
Applications letters (1 page maximum, single-spaced, 12 pt font) should state:
MLA 2019: Call for Proposals Session sponsored by the American Association of University Supervisors and Coordinators (AAUSC)
Pathways to Paradigm Change: Critical Examinations of Prevailing Discourses and Ideologies in Second Language Education
This panel explores L2 education discourses that support or hinder pedagogies promoting language learning as situated communication practices. We understand situated practices as learning how to become an effective member of a community by gaining familiarity and some degree of control over its relevant social processes and practices--including oral and written textual production and interpretation--with recognition of the social, cultural, and historical embeddedness of texts. Calls for teaching language and culture as integrated and situated practices have recurred for over two decades, however, while curricular responses to such appeals for change have been successful in specific, localized instructional contexts, large-scale paradigm change has not yet occurred, and traditional ideologies and practices continue to pervade the field of L2 education. Furthermore, methods course materials and practices continue to foreground historical perspectives and eclecticism, rather than guide future teachers in systematic, in-depth exploration of a single, principled approach that aligns with notions of language learning and use as situated communication practices. Proposals are invited that examine the current discursive landscape around L2 teaching and learning. Of particular interest are papers that propose ways of moving the dominant discursive needle forward toward effective paradigm change in L2 education.
Please send abstracts (maximum 200 words) to Beatrice Dupuy (bdupuy@email.arizona.edu) and Kristen Michelson (Kristen.Michelson@ttu.edu) by March 15, 2018.
ACTFL 2017 was my first convention, and I was so grateful to have the intellectual and financial support of AAUSC. As an early-career course coordinator, I benefited greatly from attending the AAUSC meetings in Nashville. Specifically, I appreciated the honesty with which language program directors discussed the (exciting!) challenges of program-wide assessment; hearing the perspectives of colleagues from various types of institutions helped me contextualize the strengths and weaknesses of the language program at my own institution. Additionally, as a literature Ph.D., I sought out sessions that would enhance my ability to conduct and publish classroom-based research. I learned of various journals that publish the work of emerging scholars, and I was able to get some feedback on a peer review study that I’m conducting. In other sessions that concentrated on classroom practice, I was able to trouble shoot some of the challenges of the courses that I teach; I plan to consult the Routledge frequency dictionaries to revise my Intermediate Spanish vocabulary lists, and I’m going to modify my Advanced Grammar class so that students have more opportunities to engage with authentic texts and formally reflect on their language learning. Thanks to the high-quality sessions, welcoming colleagues from AAUSC, and meaningful one-on-one interactions, I left the conference feeling inspired and connected. Looking forward to next year!
Kristen M. Turpin, Ph.D. Visiting Assistant Professor Department of Romance Languages and Literatures Villanova University
© 2019 AAUSC
AAUSC is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization.