It's time to choose our leadership! Vice-President Lara Lomicka becomes President on January 1, 2018, and we must elect a new officer to take her place.
(1) Read the candidates' biographies and statements.
(2) Go to the online ballot to choose the next Vice-President-Elect.
Voting will be open until 12:00 a.m. December 25, 2017.
Thanks to out-going President Colleen Ryan! She becomes Past-President on January 1. We appreciate her service and leadership.
AAUSC @ MLA 2018
Session 384: Understanding Vocabulary Learning and Teaching: Implications for Language Program Development
Colleen M. Ryan, Presider Friday, January 5, 2017 3:30-4:45 p.m. Hilton, Concourse A
1. The Case for Collaborative Dialogues to Learn Vocabulary in Upper-division Courses Celine Rose, U Iowa
2. The Effectiveness of Second-language Vocabulary Teaching and Learning Strategies: Perceptions versus Reality Joseph Price, U Arizona-Tuscon
3. Listening Tasks: A Longitudinal Study on Language-learning Vocabulary in L2 Spanish Cristina Pardo Ballester, Iowa State U
Thanks to Stacey for all her years of service to the organization, and best of luck to Kate and Johanna!
The ACTFL convention 2016 was the second time I attended the conference, and the first time as an AAUSC member. During these three days in Boston, I participated in many sessions within my research and teaching interests, learned about new tools and strategies for planning and conducting lessons, and could get many impressions and ideas from other language programs. I found it particularly valuable that I could exchange ideas with language educators from all kinds of different contexts, for instance Saturday schools, community colleges, or exchange programs. I could consider and integrate new perspectives and learn from others’ experiences. I also attended the AAUSC German Sector Business Meeting, and the AAUSC Business Meeting and Reception. Both of these events stood out to me because of my colleagues’ thought-provoking presentations, the productive and engaging discussions we had, and the supportive AAUSC community that welcomed me and that I could be part of. I’m looking forward to attending many more ACTFL conventions and AAUSC events in the future.
On the 2016 ACTFL Convention: I am incredibly grateful for the support that the AAUSC provided me to travel to my first ACTFL Convention and first national conference. For me, the entire conference experience centered on building relationships within the AAUSC. First, attending the AAUSC French Section Meeting and the AAUSC editorial board meeting allowed me to network with a number of future colleagues whose names I had heard and whose work I had read. Because I am currently transitioning from completing my doctoral coursework to working on my dissertation, it was a great professional experience for me to be able to put faces to names and start to see other AAUSC members as my colleagues. Second, I was able to attend presentations given by other AAUSC members, which sparked ideas for me as a teacher and a researcher. As a teacher, I was profoundly inspired by one presentation on how current events might be incorporated into the language classroom, specifically in the wake of national traumas such as the January 2015 attacks on Charlie Hebdo. As a researcher, I continued to grapple with Systemic Functional Linguistics, aided by the presentation of two of the most prominent researchers in the field of genre-based learning. Third, I was grateful to have many of the AAUSC members I met in the audience during my own ACTCL presentation. Having the support and feedback of these colleagues at my first national conference presentation was invaluable! I look forward to continuing to build relationships with my AAUSC colleagues.
As an allied organization of the Modern Language Association, AAUSC sponsors one session at the annual conference, held this year in Philadelphia. Our session is Friday, 6 January:
Session 212. Social Pedagogies in the L2 Classroom
8:30–9:45 a.m., 307, Philadelphia Marriott
Presiding: Colleen M. Ryan, Indiana U, Bloomington
1. "Brecht's Die Maßnahme (The Measures Taken) in the Elementary German Classroom," Kaleigh Bangor, Vanderbilt U.
2. "Mobile Students, Mobile Minds: Beyond Study Abroad or Immersion toward Understanding," Monica F. Jacobe, College of New Jersey
3. "Travel Literature," Kristen M. Turpin, U Pennsylvania
4. "Education as Community Building: App Design in the L2 Classroom," Sébastien Dubreil, Carnegie Mellon U
Editors: Peter Ecke, University of Arizona; Susanne Rott, University of Illinois-Chicago
Series Editors: Stacy Katz Bourns, Northeastern University; Jay Siskin, Cabrillo College
Understanding Vocabulary Learning and Teaching: Implications for Language Program Development
Singleton (1999) rightly stated that "much of what has passed for vocabulary teaching … addresses only the tip of the lexical iceberg" (p. 272). Despite advances in theories and research, there have been no new curricular proposals since Lewis’ Lexical Approach in 1993 that clearly outline how L2 learners will be able to acquire the depth and breadth of an advanced level of vocabulary proficiency within a four-year program of study.
The curricular challenge, and thereby the challenge for language program directors, is that while over 80% of the students we teach in language programs at US postsecondary institutions are of low level proficiency, departmental outcomes aim at students’ advanced ability “to participate fully and effectively in conversations on a variety of topics in formal and informal settings” (p. 5, ACTFL proficiency guidelines for Speaking, 2012). Consequently, clearly articulated trajectories that integrate the learning and appropriate use of individual words, collocations, and idioms are particularly important in a setting where learners have limited time and exposure to acquire the 9,000-15,000 word families needed for advanced proficiency (e.g., Hazenberg & Hulstijn, 1996). Additionally, trajectories also need to account for diverse program contexts, such as face-to-face and online learning, as well as diverse student populations, such as heritage, second-language, third-language, and bilingual learners.
This volume aims to provide language program directors and language teachers with the means to translate our current understanding of the processing, learning, long-term retention, and use of vocabulary into curricular decisions and classroom materials. In particular, the volume will address the following questions: How should teachers select, organize, present and explain new L2 vocabulary? How should they engage learners in repeated practice and use of vocabulary? How should they test vocabulary knowledge and usage as part of formative and summative assessment in language program?
Questions that this volume seeks to address:
The editors of the 2018 AAUSC volume seek contributions on diverse approaches to the learning, teaching, and assessment of vocabulary knowledge and skills. We encourage submissions of conceptual/theoretical contributions, empirical studies, as well as pedagogical interventions. Authors should keep in mind that the main audience for this volume includes language program directors, curriculum and material developers, faculty focused on teacher training and professional development, and world language teachers in a range of educational settings.
Articles should be between 6,000 and 8,000 words and follow APA format. See style sheet (APA format, 5th edition) in recent issues of the AAUSC series (, or visit
For questions about the volume, please contact the volume editors Peter Ecke ( or Susanne Rott (
The submission deadline for 400 word abstracts is January 31, 2017. More information regarding the deadline for full manuscript submissions will be provided soon.
AAUSC member Hiram Maxim (Emory University) speaks to the issue of university language requirements in SLATE.COM:
In keeping with this mission, the AAUSC offers a limited number of travel/professional development grants to members who wish to attend the annual convention of the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL), which is held each November. The grant covers up to $500 and can be used to pay the conference fee to attend ACTFL, and travel or lodging expenses.
Lauren Goodspeed is a dissertator in the Second Language Acquisition Ph.D. program and a teaching assistant in French at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. She completed her M.A. in French Literature at the same institution in 2013. Her current research project lies at the intersection of second language writing and literacy-based pedagogies for foreign language instruction.
Kristin Lange is a Ph.D. candidate in the interdisciplinary doctoral program in Second Language Acquisition and Teaching (SLAT) at the University of Arizona. For her dissertation, she is investigating the role of everyday texts in textbooks and beginning German classes, focusing on learners’ literacies development, and also on the professional development of graduate teaching assistants. Some of Kristin's other research interests include literary texts and film in foreign language education, technology-enhanced language learning, particularly the use of digital games, and intercultural competence in the classroom and in study abroad.
AAUSC members engaged their audience at ACTFL 2015 with over 20 presentations, including "Meaningful Engagement: Pick your own adventure!" Sophie Degât-Willis, María Paredes Fernández, Lillyrose Veneziano Broccia (U Pennsylvania).
© 2019 AAUSC
AAUSC is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization.