It's that time of year for our annual elections. We have a great lineup of nominees to fill the vacant board positions. You can access information about the nominees and cast your vote via this link. The ballot will be open through Friday, May 19. Please note that you can vote for each position, even those that are outside of your language section. A special thank you to all who made nominations and to all who are standing for election.
Also a big thank you to the AAUSC board members who are concluding their terms: Kelle Marshall (Secretary-Treasurer), Yang Xiao-Desai (Asian Languages Section Convener), Christina Frei (German Section Convener), Chiara Fabbian (Italian Section Convener), Vania Castro (Portuguese Section Convener), Muriel Gallego (Spanish Section Convener), and Christina Isabelli (Spanish Section Convener). Thank you for your service to AAUSC and the field!
Our graduate student representative, Mary Ellen Rutemeyer (Michigan State University), has developed a survey for graduate students to gauge interest in potential programming and support that AAUSC might provide future members of our profession. We would be very grateful if you could you share the survey with the graduate students in your programs:
Secretary. The Secretary will perform or oversee the performance of the following duties: (a) record and keep the minutes of the meetings of the members and of the Board of Directors and of any Board committees, in one or more books provided for that purpose, or in electronic format; (b) see that all notices are duly given in accordance with the provisions of these bylaws or as required by law; (c) be custodian of the corporate records; (d) keep a register of the mailing address of each voting member as provided by such member; (e) ensure that all required state and federal reports are prepared and filed in a timely fashion; and (f) perform or oversee all duties incident to the office of Secretary and such other duties as from time to time may be assigned by the President or by the Board of Directors. The Secretary may delegate some or all of these tasks but remains responsible for their proper completion.
Treasurer. The Treasurer will perform or oversee the performance of the following duties: (a) be responsible for the proper management and control of all funds of the corporation; (b) prepare full and accurate financial records on a timely basis of all the income, expenses and assets of the corporation; (c) present reports on the financial affairs of the corporation at least once each quarter at a meeting of the Board of Directors; and (d) provide financial information necessary to prepare and file the required reports to state and federal government agencies, showing the income, disbursements, and assets of the corporation. The Treasurer may delegate some or all of these tasks but remains responsible for their proper completion.
Language Section Conveners. The Language Section Convener shall be responsible for coordinating language sections and promoting membership in the AAUSC, as well as for other activities as directed by the Board of Directors. Each Language Section Convener shall serve as liaison between that language group and the main organization and is required to attend the Annual Meeting. The Language Section Convener for a given language shall be elected by all the AAUSC members in good standing. Language Section Conveners shall serve terms of two years.
Nominations and self-nominations will be accepted through March 17. If you would like to make a nomination please complete the Google form with the nominee's name, institution, email, and position for which you are nominating them. Elections will then be conducted in early April.
Challenges and Opportunities in Language Program Coordination
November 7, 2022, 10 AM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
All are welcome! Register for Zoom Meeting
Reminder! AAUSC Business Meeting Friday, October 7 from 4:30-6pm (CST) i
This meeting is in conjunction with the SOLPHE 2022 conference. You do not have to be registered for the conference to participate in the meeting. A separate Zoom link will be sent to our membership.
We are planning an engaging event that will allow us to socialize, celebrate and learn from our colleagues' program innovations, and address the ongoing business of the AAUSC, whose mission is to support our members' success in structuring the teaching and learning of languages at institutions of higher learning in the U.S.
We are pleased to announce six program innovations that will be honored with the 2022 Excellence in Language Program Direction Award at our annual business meeting Friday, October 7 from 4:30-6pm (Central Standard Time) in conjunction with the SOLPHE 2022 conference on Zoom. We hope that you will join us to learn more about these exciting projects!
Mahmoud Azaz University of Arizona
Enhancing Multidialectal Competencies in the Arabic Curriculum: A Three-Project Initiative
Tatjana Babic Williams Purdue University
Redesigning the Italian language program at a large land-grant STEM-oriented university
Katherine Brooke Texas Tech University
Redesigned Spanish Foundations Online Program
Ashlie Henry & Lauren Godspeed University of Minnesota
«La fête des nouveaux francophones»: Rethinking the final exam
Jorge Méndez Yale University & María Luisa Parra Harvard University
Redesigning the language program to foster students’ growth as “glocal” citizens
Claudia Sánchez-Gutiérrez University of California Davis
Open-Educational Resources and teaching-informed research in a Spanish reading program
Excellence in Language Program Direction Award AAUSC is pleased to solicit applications for the Excellence in Language Program Direction Award to recognize outstanding examples of curricular and pedagogical innovation in the field of foreign/second languages education within institutions of higher education. In addition to receiving monetary award, the winner will be recognized during AAUSC’s annual business meeting* and given the opportunity to share their project with colleagues. All AAUSC members (tenure-track faculty, non-tenure track faculty, adjunct faculty and graduate students not currently serving on the Executive Board or as SLRP editors) currently employed in an institution of higher education are eligible to apply. Applications will be evaluated based on the following criteria: Relevance: How relevant is the project to language program direction and L2 education? Innovation: Does the project leverage innovative theories, technologies and/or practices? Replicability: Can the project be replicated by other language programs in the US? Impact: How many students are potentially impacted? How profound is the impact? Applicants must submit a Word file document (approximately 750 words) that contains their name, affiliation, and description of their programmatic innovation by September 1, 2022 to Applications will be evaluated in a blind, peer-review process. Winners will be contacted by September 14th in advance of the annual business meeting that will take place via ZOOM on *Friday, October 7 from 4:30-6pm (Central Standard Time) during the SOLPHE 2022 conference.
Excellence in Language Program Direction Award
AAUSC is pleased to solicit applications for the Excellence in Language Program Direction Award to recognize outstanding examples of curricular and pedagogical innovation in the field of foreign/second languages education within institutions of higher education. In addition to receiving monetary award, the winner will be recognized during AAUSC’s annual business meeting* and given the opportunity to share their project with colleagues.
All AAUSC members (tenure-track faculty, non-tenure track faculty, adjunct faculty and graduate students not currently serving on the Executive Board or as SLRP editors) currently employed in an institution of higher education are eligible to apply. Applications will be evaluated based on the following criteria:
Relevance: How relevant is the project to language program direction and L2 education?
Innovation: Does the project leverage innovative theories, technologies and/or practices?
Replicability: Can the project be replicated by other language programs in the US?
Impact: How many students are potentially impacted? How profound is the impact?
Applicants must submit a Word file document (approximately 750 words) that contains their name, affiliation, and description of their programmatic innovation by September 1, 2022 to Applications will be evaluated in a blind, peer-review process. Winners will be contacted by September 14th in advance of the annual business meeting that will take place via ZOOM on *Friday, October 7 from 4:30-6pm (Central Standard Time) during the SOLPHE 2022 conference.
Universidad de Salamanca Salamanca, Spain June 26-29, 2023
Join us for the 2022 annual Symposium on Language Pedagogy in Higher Education (SOLPHE)!
The Symposium is co-hosted by the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, Ohio University, and AAUSC.
7-8 October, 2022; free and online!
Official website, with call for papers:
Deadline: 1 June 2022
Are you an AAUSC member? If so, you are invited to participate in the annual business meeting via Zoom. Don’t miss it!
Time: Oct 1, 2021 02:00 PM Pacific Time (3pm Mountain, 4pm Central, 5pm Eastern)
Join Zoom Meeting
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© 2019 AAUSC
AAUSC is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization.